My name is Dragos Dena, I am 20 years old (at the moment :-)  ), a year two student at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Computer Science Department (also at the moment) and as of April 26, 2010  a student for GNOME at GSoC 2010 (and needles to say, pretty happy for this).

    I thought of making a list of the things I enjoy, but when I got to that point, I suddenly realized I don't have time anymore for any of those things, so I present my list of things I used_to_enjoy: all kinds of sports (well, except football, and mainly just basketball and tennis, but still ... ), reading (used to be books here, now just newspapers in the subway on the way to my university), gaming (okay, I admit, still find a bit of time for this) and traveling (now just to the university and back home).

    At the moment, I will use this blog just for my GSoC 2010 project - Anjuta Snippets plug-in, but in time I will see if I can find another use for it :-).